Hi,in this series we will cover all of the video games genres to provide some basic gaming knowledge to beginners who want to have a deeper look on the types of games that attract their attention and provide them with enough information to make them capable of picking the right choices in their preferred genre so let's start with the start.

Start of the genre

When horror entered the entertainment industry through novels first and then after that the movies, it was pretty clear that video games was the next step for fear to break in and the joy of escape it to be translated into the gaming language and then there was the first few tries of the horror games, which was in the retro era, but the first considerable try was in games like doom and ghosts and ghouls on snes, but as the capabilities was very limited the horror games didn’t get the opportunity for the global recognition until the first playstation came out and that was a turning point for the entire industry.

Development of the genre

When playstation 1 came out and came with it the revolution of the 3d gaming instead of the 2d gaming and the huge transaction in the mechanics and the engines, that was the opportunity that helped one the best iconic games to be created and that was resident evil.

When resident evil came out it was a shock to all horror games lovers in general and zombie games lovers in particular because the game was so good that some technical problems didn’t stop it from being one of the best horror games franchise that had ever been created.

But with the continuous development of the genre with playstation 2 and playstation 3 made opportunities for resident evil competitors to come in and bring all they can and that led to the day that we are living now.

The modern day applications of the genre

When we talk about modern day we mean the past 20-30 years not the past 2-3 years, there has been some great sequels in the horror gaming like silent hill,the evil within,dead space,outlast and there is also some good games like the last of us and days gone and the walking dead but we can’t say that they are pure horror games like resident evil and doom and dead space which are built on the horror concept ,these are horror games not games trying to scare you and there is a huge difference between the two.

The future of the genre

Some times when you look back at when the genre started ,you will notice that the curve was always going up but in the past 10 -15 years you will feel when you play horror games, that you are not scared any more focusing on the jump scares and thriller was more than focusing on the horror it self ,so when games like dying light came out it was clear that this is what the future of horror games look like, a good story to tell a good sound tracks that fits the horror world and also an interesting game play, because focusing on running away is not what you would do if you're scared if you can’t channel this fear into some sort of violence when you win against the scary creatures, you will never feel safe and that is not what the horror games should do but maybe in the future we will see amore complex horror games that focuses more on the plot and provides some good gameplay alongside realistic graphics.


Here we will enlist all the horror games that we think you should try if you have interest in the horror games genre.

Dying light

Dying light 2

Dead rising

Dead rising 2

Dead rising 3

Dead rising 4

Dead island

Resident evil

Resident evil 2

Resident evil 3

Resident evil 4

Resident evil 5

Resident evil 6

Resident evil 7

Resident evil village

Resident evil code veronica

Resident evil zero

Resident evil dead aim

Resident evil outbreak

Resident evil deadly silence

Resident evil the umbrella chronicles

Resident evil the darkside chronicles

Resident evil revelations

Resident evil operation racoon city

Resident evil revelations 2

Resident evil resistance

Silent hill

Silent hill 2

Silent hill 3

Silent hill 4

Silent hill origins

Silent hill orphan

Silent hill the escape

Silent hill orphan 2

Silent hill homecoming 

Silent hill shattered memories

Silent hill orphan 3

Silent hill downpour

Silent hill book of memories

Left 4 dead

Left 4 dead 2


Outlast 2

Dead space

Dead space 2

Dead space 3


Doom 2

Doom 3

Doom Final

Doom resurrection

Doom vfr

Doom eternal

The evil within

The evil within 2

Days gone

The last of us

The walking dead

Positives of the genre

-The genre allows all fears to be manifested which helps with the process of overcoming it.

-The genre satisfies the fear need which is expressed by psychologists by getting too close to danger while you're safe and can escape it and that is what makes a lot of people love horror.

Negatives of the genre

-Could build some truma if not delt with carefully.

-Could build some abnormal concepts in the mind of little kids if not delt with as a fictional game and tried to imitate it in real life .

-Could encourage some sadistic actions if the user is not wise about understanding the nature of the genre.

Types of the genre

Zombie horror games like resident evil and dying light.

Psychological horror games like outlast and evil within.

Monsters and freak horror games like doom.

All of this and we haven't scratched the surface of it so stay tuned for more articles about gaming genres if you enjoyed this one.

Feel free to explore our website for all playstation 4 or playstation 5 horror games and follow us on our Facebook,Instagram,Youtube for all the new offers.

And thank you for reaching this far,goodbye.